Photo Sessions For Older Babies
3 months old.
Sadly for families and photographers, the covid pandemic has meant that a lot of milestones have gone by unrecorded by professional photographers. I am frequently asked by clients if it is still worthwhile having a photo session when their baby has passed the ‘newborn’ stage.
My answer is ‘yes’!
It is important to point out upon booking a photo session for an older baby, that the results will be different to a newborn session but they will be just as beautiful and valuable.
A newborn is a newborn, and the reason they are photographed before the 2-3 week mark is because they are so tiny and curly and sleepy. So obviously, your older baby photos will not look like a newborn. As a baby grows, they will become more awake and are alert for longer periods of time. However, this can be of benefit as a photographer is more likely to obtain some ‘eyes wide open’ shots which can show off a baby’s developing little personality perhaps more than sleepy shots. It can be more difficult to get an older baby to sleep and depending on size, they can be more difficult to swaddle and wrap for some photos. From my experience, I have been able to coax older babies to sleep so I am usually able to obtain a varied gallery of awake and asleep shots. However those gorgeous nudie shots can prove to be more difficult.
So if you have missed out on your professional newborn pics, I still do encourage you to have a photo shoot. All my clients who have chosen to go ahead with their baby a bit older, treasure their baby images.
Your newborn may be no more newborn, but your 12 week old baby, will only be this tiny right now! Here are some examples of my recent ‘covid’ babies when Melbourne relaxed restrictions the first time (please no one panic, I am sadly not shooting again with Stage 4 restrictions, but I am compiling a list of slightly older newborns who will be visiting my studio once things improve).
Stay safe Everyone!